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  • Sun - Fri: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Blockchain Training at Kathmandu

Join the Course: Be a Certified Blockchain Developer

Build your career as a Blockchain Developer!! 

Start your career in the booming world of Blockchain Technology! This certified Blockchain Developer course, co-hosted by Clock b Business Technology and CordriodHub, equips you with the skills and knowledge to succeed in this exciting field.

The course’s curriculum is designed to provide participants with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the blockchain industry.

The course covers important topics for developing and deploying blockchain technology including Programming, Solidity, Distributed Ledger Technology, Hyperledger, Multichain, and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals.

This course is suitable for individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, especially those interested in technologies and willing to explore the opportunities in the blockchain domain. 

Get Ready for Future

Invest in your future with a globally recognized Blockchain Certification.

Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology, its architecture, components and consensus mechanisms.
 Participants will develop proficiency in smart contracts development using Solidity Programming language Participants will gain practical skills in developing decentralized applications(DApps) by interacting with smart contracts Participants will explore solutions for scalability and interoperability challenges in the blockchain system Participants will understand the importance of security and privacy in blockchain, implement best practices to mitigate risks.

What is Blockchain?
Evolution and History of Blockchain
Key concepts: Decentralization, immutability, consensus mechanisms
Public vs Private Blockchain
Use cases and industry applications
Activity: Discussion on Applications of Blockchain in industries

Blockchain data structure: blocks, transactions and Merkle Trees Consensus mechanisms: PoW, PoS, PoA 
Peer-to-peer networks and nodes 
Blockchain types: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and popular platforms 
Activity: Creating hash using Python Programming language

Introduction to smart contracts
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
Solidity Programming Language
Contract development, deployment and testing
Security Considerations and best practices
Activity: Hands-on on Solidity programming language

Introduction to DApps
Web3.js and interaction with smart contracts
User interfaces and front-end development and DApps
Integration of off-chain data and oracles
Deployment and hosting options for DApps
Activity: Hands-on on development of DApps

Scalability challenges in blockchain
Layer 2 solutions: state channels, sidechains, and payment channels
Interoperability protocols: Polkadot, Cosmos, and others Cross-chain communications and asset transfers
Activity: Creating a blockchain of multiple peers highlighting the benefits of interoperability

Threats and vulnerabilities in blockchain systems
Security measures and best practices
Privacy-enhancing techniques: zero-knowledge proofs, ring signature, etc.
Auditing and monitoring blockchain networks
Regular and legal considerations
Activity: Testing blockchain for bugs and security vulnerabilities

Supply chain management and Traceability
Financial Services: Payments, remittances, and asset tokenization Healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Identity management and Authentication
Energy and sustainability
Gaming and digital collectables
Activity: Discussion on how we can apply blockchain to achieve SDGs

Challenges and Barriers to blockchain adoption
Government initiatives and regulations
Potential impact on various industries
Future trends and emerging technologies
Opportunities for Blockchain professionals
Activity: Ideation competition

Voting System in Blockchain
Health Data Management
Identity Management in Blockchain
Charity and Donation Tracking

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